
Thursday, 24 October 2013

Staggering Across the Water

Staggering Across the Water
I didn’t belong out there. Hey, even I know it; now.
But when I saw the look on Jesus’ face, I crawled out of the boat and staggered across the rolling waves like an eager one year old learning to walk. He smiled encouragingly, and it was great--at first. But hey, those waves were big; I mean like as in humongous and I started getting pretty scared. Before I knew it my feet started to sink, I was down to my ankles, then my knees, and I was screaming before the water even hit my thighs. I knew I was going to drown and there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I bet all the other disciples where hanging out of the boat all bug-eyed but I sure wasn’t paying them no mind.
               “Lord save me!” I cried while floundering around in water that was quickly reaching my neck.

               I don’t know how Jesus got there so fast, because He had been still quite a long ways off but in an instant He had me by the hand and was pulling me, wet bedraggled scoundrel that I am, out of the water, and He rebuked me for being fearful. At that moment I couldn’t have cared less what He called me for I was so glad to be alive. It sure felt a lot safer walking on those rolling waves with my arm wrapped possessively around His again. But it felt even better sitting in that boat once more while the waves lapped gently against it. Did I say lapped gently? I sure did, and it was as calm on that sea after our Master stepped into our small fishing vessel as anyone could ask for.  
               After someone handing me a warm dry robe, and I was feeling a mite more comfortable I manned one of the oars like usual, but my thoughts were pretty long for a fella like me. How could I have doubted Him when I’ve seen Him do so many miracles over the years?
               That’s been a long time ago, and it seems like the Messiah has asked me to walk on the waves many times since. I don’t mean literally like that first time but, but I think the word is figuratively. 

Sometimes I chickened out and wouldn’t even get started, but more often than not I would confidently leap out then be terrified by the waves, but always He was there to save me. There are all kinds of waves you know; financial disaster, evil abounding, and folks I knew and loved a lot turning back after following the Lord for a time, you know lots of things. It’s mighty scary taking my eyes off of Jesus, but I sure want to focus on Him more than those awful waves. Hope I’m learning.

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