
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Friday, 31 October 2014

The cries seem to be coming from further away. ..

The cries seem to be coming from further away. 

She was going in the wrong direction! She made a quarter turn, carefully shuffling forward. Her hand touched something hard and she felt around it. It was the door frame. Were the children inside the house, or out? Well, the baby would be inside. She must find Lill-dae-nan at least.She dropped to her knees, crawling slowly along. Something also moving, rubbed against her arm. Re-bae-taih screamed. It felt soft and furry.

Worse Than Halloween!


The Ninth Plague
This is based on one of the Egyptian's plagues back in Moses' time, but not from the Israelites viewpoint!
"Mamma!" The shriek struck terror to Re-bae-taih's heart, but she was helpless to do anything about it. Somewhere in that deep, intense darkness her son was lost. "Mommy!" the quivering wail came again.