Because we as adults are so prone
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Thursday, 5 October 2017
Saturday, 2 April 2016
God’s Little Surprises
How many of you remember me moaning and groaning about losing
our sixteen year old Golden Retriever? In my mind’s eyes I can still see her lying
on a blanket beside the bed, breathing heavily. I stroked her and spoke comfortingly
to her, but it was evident to all that the end was coming soon. And it did.
We eventually got a beagle cross to fill an empty spot in my
heart, and I thought he was doing a pretty good job, but you know what? He had
to go. We had to let that sweet, wiggly bunch of energy and love go to a new
home ‘cause he was just plain mean to our daughter’s cat and destructive?? Yup,
you better believe it.
Bye, Rusty, I’m glad you were rehomed with someone who can handle your antics AND adores you.
Bye, Rusty, I’m glad you were rehomed with someone who can handle your antics AND adores you.
So what did I do, besides moping around that is? Well, I
filled up on a lot of videos that sure didn’t take the ache away, and I looked …and
With hubby unemployed and me unable to work, we weren’t able
to pay an arm and a leg for some incredible purebred darling but surely, surely
God would have one picked out for us somewhere. Stephen and I spent pretty much all day
yesterday handing out the Good News of Salvation to anyone who was receptive to
it, and most were.
But do you know what? I had something else on my mind, also
and I won’t ask you to guess what.
It was dark out and we were a long ways from home, but we
found one more place to offer our pamphlets. By then we were well pass that
lighted up sanctuary with an open door, but turned around. It was then my
husband spotted this inconspicuous sign: free puppies.
I was almost breathless with joy. We first found a very
receptive audience for our bundle of leaflets then…off we went!
Yes, yes, yes! There were puppies, the most adorable,
sweetest and cutest mixed breed handfuls of joy. Okay, you know the rest. One
little sweetheart came home with me. Her favorite spot was around my neck so I
was gladly sporting a white fur collar while we traveled!
P.S. The first picture I found on Google could have hardly
looked more like our little girl.
Sunday, 27 April 2014

Now, it might be debated if I took our golden retriever for a walk, or if he took us, but she sure wanted to move, and I soon got enthused also. Poor hubby, drawing near to retirement age was making his feet drag, and I decided to stop once in a while to let him catch up. Ahh, that fresh spring air sure smells terrific! I could just drink it in! When we got about half way to the corner the run off was much more impressive and the ditches were filled with melting snow. We live on a hill so, in case you haven’t noticed, water does have a tendency to run downhill. :D .Steve found a discarded bottle, and of course we made the typical comments about notes in bottles and where they end up. He tossed it in the water, and I soon got into the spirit of things and trotted off to find a nice arm-length limb to use as my boat. Too bad the grandchildren weren't with us. This was getting fun! Steve tossed various objects that shouldn't have been there in the first place, like a tin can and that bottle and watched them whirl and swirl into –or out of the main stream. I stuck with my branch and eagerly retrieved it each time it got caught in back water where I would snag it. What a couple of kids we were! But, you know what? We learned something that cool, spring evening. Strive to get into the mainstream of Christian living, or you'll be caught up in the weeds of, of, well you name it, but not where you ought to be. But on the other hand, it was intriguing how the water flow, like the Holy Spirit, seemed to try and nudge the objects back into the main flow. Meet you at the end of the stream of Life.
Written a year ago but still relevant. Although actually I think it was in March that we were having this kind of weather, not the End-Of-April!!
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
It's Coming, It's Ready, It's Here!
We've been having a lot of fun preparing for bed and breakfast company. My seriously major project was making that hand embroidered quilt for our guest room.
Yes, that took a while. That, and sprucing things up with a paint brush.
Stephen had his own projects on the go. He's been enthused about giving hayrides in summer and sleigh rides in winter to whoever is interested. Fixing up an old antique tractor had been on his priority list awhile ago, and now he's got the hay wagon built. We tried it out the other day. The breeze was nippy, which was so refreshing as we rode along.
It was hilarious watching our daughter's part- pug though. Polly leaped right up onto that wagon as if it was the most normal thing to do, and excitedly looked around. It didn't take long however until she took a flying leap off. I felt bad when that little gal rolled in the gravel, but in an instant Polly was up and running trying to keep pace with us. After she lagged further and further behind I asked Stephen if we could pick her up so she could rest, so we did.
We stopped at a couple different ditches to try out our grandson's birthday gift. He had received this 'real cool' remote controlled boat and the water filled ditches were the ideal places to take it for a spin
Oh the way back we let Polly do her own thing which was quite obviously running along beside us. That little rascal was too petered out to keep up, but boy did she try!
We can't offer any sleigh rides right now, 'cuz the snow is sure going now in spite of the extra long winter, but yes, YES! That good, old hay wagon is done. (Excuse me if it looks like I spelled wagon wrong. I'm just not used to the way you Americans spell it!)
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Enemies All Around and the Children Are Not Back!
This is an excerpt from one of the books I am writing.
Lydda wrung her hands and peered out of the low doorway of the dark, underground home and into the endlessly long tunnel, then once again dropped to her knees beside the pile of furs shoved off to one side.
“Please, God,” she entreated, “Please keep our children safe. Oh Father they have been gone all night. Stephanos is so little, and Tayletha a defenseless female. The shadows are lengthening once more, and they are still lost! Oh loving Heavenly Father, where are my children? Please, God, I need you to watch over them! Blind the eyes of our enemies so they will not recognize them as children of the catacombs. Oh, Father if they have somehow lost their way, send someone with a kind heart to give them direction. Oh, Lord, how will they ever find their way back home if they are lost? There are so many hidden entrances to this underground city!”
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