
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Thursday, 27 October 2016

A Certain Sister Fell Among Thieves

Fern cradled the phone under her chin while deftly forming cookies for the Annual Charity Auction.
"Hi, Ruth! So what are you doing today?"
"Oh, sewing. Sewing for my grandchildren. You know how it is with children. They grow so fast."
"They sure do. Say, did you hear what Susan has been up to the last while? "
"Uh huh!"
Fern didn't seem to hear her as she plunged on with her story.
"I can't believe she would 'fall in' with that sort of companions! And did you hear what she was doing just the other day?"
"Who were her companions?"
"Oh, you know. The unusual. Doubt, Unbelief, Luvof-deeworld. I don't know their real names.She really fell hard."
"Yeah, I wanted to go talk to her, but didn't know what to say."
"She should have known better. After all she came from a good family."
"Did you hear who did go and talk to her?"
"No, who?"
" You know, the one who started coming to church awhile back!"
"Oh, her! I haven't met her,yet! You'd think she would be ashamed to come around with her outlandish hair color and those awful tattoes!
I wish you wouldn't keep sewing while I am talking!"
"They say she has met the Lord." Ruth gazed longingly at the garment in her hands. Chatting with Fern always took soo much time.
"Really? Well, seeing is believing. I wish she would change her ways if she is going to persist in coming to church. Think of the influence she could be on the young!"
A faint dinging sound could be heard in the background.
"Oh, there goes my timer. I'm making my famous Orange Buttermilk Cookies for the sale. Iced and decorated, of course.I do hope we rake in lots of money towards building a new church in El Savador. It's a good cause."
" Maybe I should donate these dresses I'm making. Breanna and Kayleen have plenty."
" Sure, that's a good idea. I hope that, uh, What's Her Name doesn't put strange ideas into Susan's head. The poor girl. I bet her mother must be so embarrassed to have Her hanging around."
Ruth was silent. She had heard that Susan, and her mother had been deeply touched by the compassionate, non-judgmental attitude Diedrie had shown.
"I wish I could be more understanding...." She said softly.
"Oh, you do fine. Look, you offered to give those dresses, after all that work and money you put into them! Well, I got to run along. Ta de da! Have a good day." Click!
Ruth sat there lost in thought. Why is it so much easier for some to show compassion than others?

Books by Marilyn Friesen are available

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

We Miss You

Dear Young Friend,
Did you think that we wouldn’t notice that you weren’t going to church anymore? Did you think that no one cared?  We have been saddened that you have been missing church Sunday after Sunday, saddened to see you taking on the ways and apparel of the world. But do you think we are condemning you? Absolutely not! We know that it would be difficult to be a Christian when you don’t have any encouragement from your family. We have noticed how brave you had been for months by coming all by yourself.
May God comfort you during this distressing time. I have reason to believe you still want to be a Christian, want to do what’s right. Will it help to know we are pulling for you, praying for you, longing to help?
With love,
One of your Spiritual Sisters,

Saturday, 22 February 2014

The Glass Castle Series

The Glass Castle Series
In this series the church is represented as a castle somewhat reminiscent of Medieval times. For more of the story check the accompanying pages.

In the lookout tower on the Castle of Love, one of the watchmen held the high powered binoculars to his eyes and slowly scanned the desert waste that spread out before him right to the distant horizon.

Do you see any activity?” The young soldier at his side asked.

The watchman handed the binoculars over to him and pointed. “See that little group at just slightly less than one-oh-five? They seem to be wearying of the way.”
                “Shall I send a dart? One of Agape's darts?”

The watchman shook his head. “No, not yet; hook up the sound waves and we will see if we can catch what they are saying.”


                The watchman was intently scanning the desert once again. He looked over the glasses. “Yes?”

                “I recorded the conversation. It is rather faint and staticy in places, but see what you think of it.”

                The watchman adjusted the earphones and turned up the volume, and this is what he made out.

                “Look, everyone, I think there is a castle over yonder.”

                “Sorry, Fiona. That’s just a mirage. There are no castles in these parts.”

                “But what if it was. Just what if! Then we could find rest and shelter.”

                The watchman whipped off the earphones, eyes shining; “Shoot a dart, shoot one of Cupid’s darts,” He cried, “But aim true!”

                Daniel’s hand trembled as he shot not once, not twice but three times! Others crowded around and watched in breathless suspense as the darts glistened and soared in the dry summer’s heat.

                One dart had hit its mark; Fiona’s breast. They exuberantly clapped each other on the back while Daniel snatched up the earphones and someone else the binoculars.

                Fiona’s hand pressed against her chest. “I felt such a warmth come over me when I spoke of that castle, just now. Kelsey, let’s try to find it. Maybe it is a true haven. It looks so beautiful as if the light diffuses from within.”

                Kelsey picked up another dart; it still had a slight glow and was warm to the touch.

                “You maybe are right. I also am weary of this desert land.” But he hesitated, and then threw the dart down. The others had already started to walk on ahead.


                Daniel whirled to face his Captain. “May I go? May I rush over there and lead them to safety?”

   The Captain was pleased with the youthful enthusiasm. “Go, lad, but remember to use much tact and discretion. They are used to their old ways and may not be eager to change. ”

                The other young recruits leaned over the balustrade surrounding the tower and watched him march swiftly through the gathering darkness, his trusty lamp held high as he traveled.

                 “It’s dangerous out there,” Simon observed.

                “Yes, but he is following instructions, and not going out on his own,” James reminded him.

                Simon nodded as they watched the tiny prick of light grow smaller then leap high when Daniel reached the small group who were sitting on boulders and eating their lunch.

                “May the King bless his efforts,” The watchman murmured with moist eyes, while the others nodded in agreement.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Which Time Was Easier? Theirs or Ours?

Mariakin hovered in the back of the crowd.  For many weeks now she had been smuggling food to her father while he was in the dungeon and now she was compelled to watch him be burned at the stake with many others. Her spirit was weary, discouraged. Every day they suffered from the threat of persecution. She didn’t know how she could bear it much longer; this fleeing, this worrying, this fellowshipping in secret in the dead of night, in the storm and the cold, lest someone would reveal their whereabouts and tell the authorities.  One by one the fires were kindled in the rushes at the bottom of each stake. When the smoke began to curl up around her father’s stake, Mariakin fainted.