
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God. Show all posts

Friday, 4 November 2016

Thursday, 7 July 2016

We're All Teacher's Pets

We're All Teacher's Pet!
Can you picture a little guy in a one room log school house? He’s the one who more than likely has a frog in his pocket, a mischievous grin on his face, sparkling eyes, and a cowlick!
He’s the one who can’t quite settle down, causes all kinds of disturbances in class but ---is loved.
That’s how God must sometimes feel about me. I wiggle and squirm and get easily distracted when He tries to teach me something but He never loses patience with me.
Like last night, for example; I was trying to have my devotions but couldn’t concentrate worth a hill o’ beans. Did He get stern and glower forbiddingly at me? No…Did He—Heaven forbid-- look meaningfully towards the thick black strap hanging from a nail on the wall? No, ma’am.
He did say, though, that I needed to learn self-discipline, and I wanted to, oh, my but did I ever! I loved those beautiful lessons He taught me in the past, the sweet communion of His presence, but the little child inside me wanted to jump right out and play.
All was not lost, though. I ‘saw’ the twinkle in His eye, the kindly, if not slightly amused expression on His face, and just wanted to try harder next time!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Cry From Across the Waters

I woke up abruptly at 4:28 recently. Someone said “Mom, hey, Mom “clear enough to get me out of bed and look out our bedroom door. We have a daughter who has moved back home so I thought it might be her, but no, no one was there. I even checked where she sleeps, but all was quiet and dark in her bedroom, and she later told me it wasn’t her.

Was it you? Did you call out last night? Did you need something, or someone? Was/ is your heart aching, or sadder yet, breaking, perhaps because of some terrible turn of events in your life?

Something nudged me awake. Someone called out in anguish, perhaps unknowingly, but God let me hear the message. I just want to let you know you have been in my heart and prayers ever since.
Message me on hangouts if you need someone to talk to. 

P.S. There is a remarkable, but sad ending to to this story. After I posted the above, someone from half a world away read it and messaged me on hangouts. Yes, she had called out to me. She was in the throes of childbirth, and I walked her through the process. When she said "I see God's light and you are in it" I figured she was going...After a bit she said she had a boy, the next two texts were gibberish, then silence.  I was informed later she had died. 

Friday, 19 February 2016

Alone and Suffering

This poem is my gift to you  if you feel all alone and as if no one cares.  If you can, print it out and tuck it in a safe place where you can always find it.

You are the one
That needs a home
A mother's love
A Daddy's care

You are the one
Who haunts my dreams
Disturbs my sleep
With your sad stare.

You are the one 
Who will be sighing
In some dark place
Alone tonight.

You are the one
I'd love to find
Take to my heart
And hold you tight.

Oh Precious Child
Just pray to God
And trust in Him
I know He cares

Oh Troubled Child
I pray someone 
Will Find you soon
And call you theirs.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

We Miss You

Dear Young Friend,
Did you think that we wouldn’t notice that you weren’t going to church anymore? Did you think that no one cared?  We have been saddened that you have been missing church Sunday after Sunday, saddened to see you taking on the ways and apparel of the world. But do you think we are condemning you? Absolutely not! We know that it would be difficult to be a Christian when you don’t have any encouragement from your family. We have noticed how brave you had been for months by coming all by yourself.
May God comfort you during this distressing time. I have reason to believe you still want to be a Christian, want to do what’s right. Will it help to know we are pulling for you, praying for you, longing to help?
With love,
One of your Spiritual Sisters,

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Who Told You God Was a Hard Task Master? Who Dared?

I like to spend time with God first thing in the morning. These days it`s the topic of choices that caught my attention, and what the Bible has to say about them. Did you know that  in Deuteronomy we are encouraged to bring our choicest offerings? Well, knowing me, that got me curious to know what was being referred to, so I hauled out the good old Matthew Henry`s commentary which is great source for inspiring observations.

I was surprised that way back in the Old Testament times already God wanted us to worship Him with holy joy. Our soul is nourished when we come before Him with a thankful heart. That`s when we are best able to commune with Him and He fills us with the desire to have our faith and spiritual understanding increased. He fills us with a longing to become more and more like Him in every deed and action.

So what is the choicest sacrifice? Holy joy, thankfulness.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Take Down The Wall

Sometimes we encounter relationships that are challenging at the best of times. The world would say walk away from them but that is not God’s way. Those people whom we find difficult may very well think the problem lies with us. We must do our level best to show compassion and try to work through our differences. If we preserve in prayer God can help us take that wall down one brick at a time.

Marilyn Friesen

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Veronica Partridge Exposed

 I don’t know so terribly much about partridges but suspect they have a lot in common with chickens. Anyone who knows me well knows how fond I am of raising free range hens and selling the eggs. But there is something even more enjoyable than that. It is watching Mama Bird possessively brood over a nest of eggs and patiently wait, with barely any food or water, for those little guys to be mature enough to peck their way out of the shells. Her nurturing instinct doesn’t end there, however, and I love to see how she calls her little brood over to share some food she has discovered. I love even more how they nestle under her wings yet peek out, out of curiosity at the friendly world around them. I have an amusing memory of one ‘teenage’ chick

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Friday, 26 December 2014

Get Me There On Time

George Mueller had an appointment on Friday at one o'clock, in Montreal. Problem was he was still stuck at sea, and he had been for days. The ship was locked in heavy fog and the captain wouldn't dream of trying to venture closer to land under the circumstances. He hadn't reckoned with George Mueller who claimed he had never been late for an appointment and didn't intend to start now. Well the captain tried to reason with him, all the while wondering what kind of insane person he had on board.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Let's Make a Man!

 Man 1, Man 2 and Man 3 sat in their shared office on the top floor of a business building located in the most scientifically advanced city in the world. Moments earlier, at a given signal, they had all pushed their chairs back and gone into their private lounge for Man 1 had said he had a tremendous proposition to make.
            His business associates waited for him to begin.
            “Let us make Man in our own image.”
            “But G—I mean that has been already done.” Man 2, more commonly known as Kidzhero, objected.
            “How could you nearly use THAT word,” Nerd scoffed. We have spent a lifetime trying to brainwash the masses into to not believing in,” he grimaced, and nearly spat out the word; “God.” He turned to Man 1. “Come on, Boss, what is your brilliant idea?”
            Boss’ face fell, and he would have tapped his pen on his desk if it would have been in front of him. “Problem is…You Know Who got wind of my idea and He nearly thundered: “Thou shalt not use any of my DNA nor any of the components of any living creature that I have breathed life into.”
            “Hmmm, that does make it difficult,” Nerd admitted, “but not impossible. Have you gotten any suggestions?”

     “Well, first let’s make a diagram.” Kidzhero got up and brought a piece of cardboard from the storage room .
  “Why cardboard?”
            Hero shrugged his shoulders. “It makes it seem, well, fleshier. We’ll get the feeling for it better.”
            He cut out three equal sized pieces from the flattened box and handed them out.
            The Man’s scooted back to their desks, and were soon hard at work.
``Sure hope nobody comes in right now,” Boss muttered and went to lock the door. He strolled past his business companions desks and openly scoffed.
            “You couldn’t draw to save your life,” he told Kidzhero. “Why with those spindly arms he couldn't lift a pen, let alone a stack of law books.”
            “I’m working on it,” Hero gritted, “Just give me time.”
            Boss went over to check on Nerd’s progress. It was much more complicated. Mathematical equations were strewn all over his piece of cardboard and he had begun to diagram a ‘Man’ on his computer screen using various formulas.
            “He looks pretty empty headed to me,” Boss remarked, “And robot like; stiff and immobile.”
            Nerd strove mightily to keep his voice calm and even, “And how are you getting on, Boss?”
            “I will work on mine at home. That is where the necessary resources are.``

            An hour flew swiftly by, and they knew they would have to get back to their regular work, but each afternoon was devoted to their new project which they swore would thrill the world once it was developed.
            The three Man`s were so engrossed with their project that they scarcely noticed the seasons turning and the years flying by. By combining their ideas they eventually came up with a very mobile, life-like creature that with the aid of a computer hidden inside could speak, sing and do other actions seemingly effortlessly, but they were not ready to broadcast their efforts.
            ``If only we could figure how to make Aden,” for that`s what they called him, `Do things on his own, `` Nerd complained.
            ``If only we could have fooled around with DNA` Kidzhero muttered for the umpteenth time.
            Boss, who was gray haired by then, looked weary beyond his sixty years. `Well, fellows, I might as well admit it. HE never said we couldn't use what HE had created: I just came up with that idea myself.``
            Kidzhero looked annoyed, but Nerd nodded sagely. ``I figured out as much years ago, but secretly agreed with you. If we can`t make Man in our image without using some of HIS stuff we`ll never convince EVERYONE that HE never existed. There will always be a few doubters.”
            Boss agreed, but Kidzhero sulked.
The years wore on, and the three of them eventually had to retire after handing all their blueprints to their children. The time came for their sons also to retire, and I don`t know how many generations will go by while they are still working on that project. No matter where I am by then, let me know if they succeed.


Monday, 28 July 2014

Nightmare World

We live in a nightmare world. I’m sure there are people right at this moment who are surfing the net while trying to block out terrible memories. Maybe they are hiding behind the shame of having been brutally beaten. Maybe they have been verbally abused so many times they half believe the lies that are told them. I know a little girl who is constantly being bullied. I try to help but what will be the long range results of such cruelty? I also know a woman who was physically abused as a child and it carried over into her first marriage. She managed to escape when he threatened to shoot her and the children, but the second marriage was just as bad in different ways. Are you caught in the same sort of trap and no one seems to care and understand?
What are you being called? Do you believe the lies? How have you been treated today, this last week or month? Are you the victim of an alcoholic or someone who is mentally ill? Are you too fearful or ashamed to admit it? Do you have anyone to go to that you feel safe with?
I’m not sitting in an ivory tower somewhere and tossing down bits of advice to you. I’ve been in the gutter also. I have felt the anger, the hatred and depression that comes from being molested. But I have also learned how to forgive and the healing that eventually comes with it. It wasn’t easy. I suffered emotionally for many years because of what happened, but now I am free. Now I want to reach out a helping hand to you and let you know there is a way of escape. There is hope and a light at the end of the tunnel.
To start with I’d like you to repeat these words at least ten times a day.
I am precious in the eyes of the Lord. I do not deserve to be abused. God does not want me to be abused. I am a worthwhile person.
We can’t see the future so from one day to the next it might not seem like anything is changing, but if you trust God to lead you, someday you will be able to look back and see that things have gotten better. And remember I am praying for you.

Thursday, 24 July 2014

A Hard Nut to Crack

Someone asked 'would you still believe in Christ if you found out He had never existed. What a hard nut to crack! What a hard nut to crack. All I could do is pray that the warmth of God's convicting power could penetrate the hardness, because a person like that does not appear to be open to the truth. Would you stop believing that you exist just because someone tried to convince you that you were never born, after all you don't remember it! :). To those of us who have learned to know and love Jesus as our Saviour and Friend, the question is totally rediculous and immaterial.

I heard that 50,000 people surge through Heathrow Airport on any given day. But even in that vast multitude someone I had never seen or heard of before zeroed in on me as being a fellow Christian. I never held up a sign announcing my faith but somehow people can tell because we serve a Risen Savior and His spirit dwells within us. We shared for a few minutes about what is most important in our lives. Actually this happened to me twice. I think the other time was in Rye. In the hustle and bustle of life I would never recognise them again, but on the Other Side there will be instant recognition!

P.S. Just this last week I got to talking to strangers, one in a restaurant the other at a cellphone shop. Both were pretty soon sharing with me the important things they were praying about. Did I tell them I was a Christian? Did I tell them I believed in prayer? No, and no. True Christianity is not a dead religion. We serve a Living Saviour and people can tell. Do you know Him? Do you want to find out why we have such a strong faith in Him?
meone asked 'would you still believe in Christ if you found out He had never existed. What a hard never existed.' What a hard nut to crack. All I could do is pray that the warmth of God's convicting power could penetrate the hardness, because a person like that does not appear to be open to the truth. Would you stop believing that you exist just because someone tried to convince you that you were never born, after all you don't remember it! :). To those of us who have learned to know and love Jesus as our Saviour and Friend, the question is totally rediculous and immaterial.

I heard that 50,000 people surge through Heathrow Airport on any given day. But even in that vast multitude someone I had never seen or heard of before zeroed in on me as being a fellow Christian. I never held up a sign announcing my faith but somehow people can tell because we serve a Risen Savior and His spirit dwells within us. We shared for a few minutes about what is most important in our lives. Actually this happened to me twice. I think the other time was in Rye. In the hustle and bustle of life I would never recognise them again, but on the Other Side there will be instant recognition!

P.S. Just this last week I got to talking to strangers, one in a restaurant the other at a cellphone shop. Both were pretty soon sharing with me the important things they were praying about. Did I tell them I was a Christian? Did I tell them I believed in prayer? No, and no. True Christianity is not a dead religion. We serve a Living Saviour and people can tell. Do you know Him? Do you want to find out why we have such a strong faith in Him?

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Oops! Wrong Food!

What do little boys do when they’re hungry? Why, find food, of course! And that’s what “Billy’ did to. Only problem is, he looked in the wrong place, and it got him into a lot more trouble than he had bargained for. Church was over, but all the Mommy’s and Daddy’s were attending some sort of a council meeting afterwards, and the little folks weren't allowed to be with them. Well, as time went on Billy and his friends were getting more and more hungry so they started looking around and they found something to eat! No, it wasn’t pop and potato chips, but it would do in a pinch! There was lots of fresh, yummy bread,( or something!) and what’s this drink? They weren't sure what to make of it, but drank (lots) anyways.  
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I will leave it to your imagination just how impressed those grownups were when they discovered those sadly intoxicated youngsters, and they were punished severely.

Linda also associated church with severe disapproval and punishment. This was a place where the ‘sisters’ were always glaring at the small fry as they filed timidly in, and Linda was sure she was guilty of some unnamed sin. On top of that they had to stare at that image of a Dead Man all the time. What good was a dead god? As time went on Linda began to think he wasn’t much good for anything and she began to despise—well, at least challenge him. Hey, if you were slammed with as much abuse from the effects of alcoholism, are you sure you wouldn't have reacted the same way?
As time went on life got worst instead of better, and eventually she got married, BUT her husband got cancer, and her mother-in-law was also dying. She had planned on a nursing career but ended up devoting her time and talents to elderly relatives when they were nearing their end.  Stress! (Remember to pile that on top of the other stuff I told you about.)

Well time went on, and one day a man came in to their house. I think he was a Bed and Breakfast guest, but I am not sure. He went into the living room and started walking around. That made Linda furious because she sensed he was praying for her. She must have loudly proclaimed her opinion of God which is why he had responded that way.
Okay, tightly close the curtain on that scene, and come a little closer. Do you see that halo of light around the praying woman? Do you see the radiance; the sheer joy in her face? Do you know what happened?  Do you? When she came to Jesus, repenting, she was touched by the hand of God. She was cleansed, forgiven, healed. Linda knew what it was like to feel so defiled by the unspeakable misuse of others that she would scrub herself until her skin bled, but now she felt so clean, so PURE! Never again did she feel the need to scrub her skin raw. A bath became a pleasure like it is meant to be. With rapture she clung to that feeling of purity that the loving Father gave her. Now Linda serves a risen Saviour; one that set her free and gives her victory. Do you serve Him, to?
P.S. It thrills me each time I hear a story about someone who has found the Light especially if they haven't even known loving, praying Christians.   Maybe you have a story to share. I would love to hear it!  Maybe you also have gotten a glimpse of that lovely, beckoning light. Follow it. Please do.
 "It is no secret what God can do, what He's done for others He'll do for you." A song I heard somewhere.