One day Bel Esprit discovered that his companion had a very tiny ridge of `mountains` growing on her body but the teasing came to an embarrassed halt when Bon Amie pointed out that he had one also. One of the things that whetted their curiosity was the short, stubby projections at the end of each foot. They didn`t care to kick with them because it hurt. The lumps on the other end of their feet were more useful for that but what other purpose did they have? They had similar projections at the ends of their hands and knew well their use. They really came in handy when the twins wanted to examine something. Now what about that bump in the middle of their faces. Often they touched it wonderingly, but it seemed so unnecessary. Sometimes they would touch each others `bumps and wonder why they were there but came to no conclusion.
The little opening in their faces! Now that was useful! How they enjoyed taking big gulps of the warm fluid that surrounded them and feel it seep down into their tummies.
One day Bon Esprit discovered a curly shaped thing on the side of his head.
`Hey! Look what I found!``
Books by Marilyn Friesen are available from www.prairieviewpress.com. and soon more will be available from www.tatepublishing.com Just type in Marilyn Friesen once you get to the right page and ...brouze!
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