
Monday, 16 February 2015

What Are You Doing in THERE?

                Someone you admire seems to have the ideal personality. Let’s say she’s sweet, ladylike and oh so soft spoken. What a perfect example. So you try to imitate her. It seems like the perfect mold to build around yourself. First of all it’s time to moderate that rather loud chuckle because it won’t fit into the new image you want to create. What about that quirky sense of humor, tone it down, by all means tone it down, it borders on mischievous if not do down-right rascally: you want to be a lady, remember? And so the building continues. The mold is taking shape.

Is this the real me? Why are people so quiet and reserved, as if they don’t quite know what to expect of me? Am I a nut? Or why am I curling up inside of this nutshell? Help, help let me out! Let me grow, let me be myself!

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