
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus. Show all posts

Thursday 20 November 2014

Pre Christmas Preview of Mary's Musings

My thoughts have been soaring heavenward with a yearning to be
one with HaShem especially today because the sky shone like shining
molten gold. The whole atmosphere seemed to be hushed as if it is
standing on tiptoe in the Shekinah of Adonai, (the glorious presence of
the Lord of Lords.Many furlongs away the Sea of Galilee is rippling under this same
glorious sunset. If it reminds me so much of Paradise here, what must
it look like over the waves?

I was lingering near our almond tree, which is shrouded with a
thousand pink and white flowers. Over my arm hung a basket filled with herbs since I had just finished gathering them from our dew-scented garden when a dazzling dove
swept by catching my attention. She was such a bright contrast to the beautiful horizon. As I gazed upon her, I wondered if perchance this would be the time I would see where her little fledglings were hidden. I have been intently watching her for some time now.

I was also enjoying the fresh, invigorating breeze against my cheeks. It was sweetly scented with the fragrance of a million early flowers.

Then a Voice seemed to float towards me. I do not know how
else to describe it. I looked around but saw no one. There was such a
quietness, and calmness in the twilight stillness that I was not afraid;
just mildly curious. While my eyes swept the glowing sky and dewy
green landscape a marvelous Being appeared. He seemed to materialize
out of thin air, but for some reason I was pleasantly intrigued rather
than terrified. Then in angelic tones, this glorious creature, who was arrayed in
raiment that dazzled like snow, spoke to me.

“Hail, you are highly favored, the Lord is with you: you are blessed among woman.”

I had been gazing rapturously upon him but these words made me
feel uneasy so lowered my eyes. How could someone such as I be highly
favored? Surely my thoughts have become too lofty, and El’ Shaddai was
about to rebuke me. He knows how deeply I have longed to mother his
Son. Perhaps that was rash and foolish for talitha as lowly as I.

“Fear not Mary’am:” he said gently, “for you have found favor
with God.”
My hand pressed against my throat. “Me?” I breathed.

He nodded, and not only his face but his whole being glowed with a
radiance that could only be described as celestial. Although I was in
the presence of one of the angels of El’ Shaddai, for some reason I felt
serene, and more composed than I have ever felt before. It was almost
like I had been lifted to a hallowed plane. The cares and burdens of life
had fallen away, as if I had shed them for a time, like waterfowl sheds
water. After a momentous pause, he continued.

“Listen! You are going to conceive, and give birth to a Son, and
shall call His name Yeshua. He shall be great, and shall be called the
Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne
of His father David. He shall reign over the house of Yaakov, (Jacob),
forever: and of His kingdom there shall be no end.”

“Excuse me, sir,” I raised my eyes to shyly meet his gaze,
“But how can this be, since I am a virgin, and know not a man?”

“The Holy Ghost shall come upon you, and the power of the
Highest shall overshadow you: therefore also that holy thing that shall
be born of you shall be called the Son of  Adonai.

A tremble shook my body at these majestic words, and I think my
face must have gone ashen. It was more than I could comprehend.
Carry the Son of God! That was my heart’s desire! Something I had longed for more intensely even than to be married
to my Chavivi, (beloved.) My knees felt weak. Surely something so
holy and glorious could not be happening to such an insignificant
handmaiden of the Lord. I must be dreaming!

The serenely glowing face of the angel came back into focus once
again, and when he spoke it was in a gentle, soothing voice about things
that were at least a little more ordinary.

“I have more good news for you! Your relative, Elisheva, (Elisabeth,) is carrying a
son in her old age, and this is the sixth month with her, who was
called infertile.”

I gazed at him in awe, open-mouthed but speechless. Elisheva A tremble shook my body at these majestic words, and I think my face must have gone ashen. It was more than I could comprehend. Elisheva was my favorite aunt! How wonderful! How very, very wonderful! Won’t Imma be delighted when she finds out? She always felt so sorry for her eldest sister because she never knew the joys of motherhood!

He beamed. “With God nothing shall be impossible!”
I sank to my knees and with clasped hands, replied in a hushed voice.

“Behold the talitha of the Lord: be it unto me according to your word.”

  While I watched wonderingly, the angel’s feet rose from the ground,
his magnificent wings spread out, and I saw him gradually rise higher,
and higher, until he flew out of my sight.

After he was gone, an Invisible but very hallowed sense of Shekinah surrounded me. Never have I had such profound love, such happiness, and complete tranquility permeate my being as it did at that moment. It must have been a foretaste of the
joys of Paradise.
Although the sensation faded, I am certain that HaShem touched me in a very profound, and personal way. I cannot express what He has done for, and to me. When He left I quietly murmured

Alleluia El ohim Yisrael!

Shortly after this experience the evening sun set and the sky grew
dark quickly. The night air was laden with the perfume of roses, and
the sky was brilliant with stars. There were so many stars that it seemed
like there were surely symbolic messages of great portent written in the
sky that only the learned could read.

I slipped into the house for this little scroll, my reed pen, and a small clay lamp. I am now sitting on a large flat rock near the lovely
almond tree trying to write with the aid of the stars, and the lamp’s
flickering glow.

“Holy, holy, holy,” I breathed, loath to leave this sacred place, yet
knowing the hour was growing late.

I seemed to have been wrapped in an aura of other—worldliness for
the rest of the evening.

When I wandered back into the house, Imma, (mother), was busy chopping up vegetables for a stew. Soon the aroma of simmering onions permeated the air.

My sister Hana came in from milking the goats, and handed me the milk which I absentmindedly strained through cheese cloth into another container.

The hum of voices ebbed, and flowed around me, but I hardly noticed.
Abba,  (father,) came in, and after washing up said the Banoah,
(blessing). After he was finished eating the rest of us gathered around
the table.

“You are quiet tonight,” Imma observed. Her voice barely registered.

“Mary’am.” Abba’s hand was poised above the scroll he was reaching
for. I looked up when he spoke my name. “Your mother spoke to you.”

“I’m sorry, Imma dear. Did you want something?”

“I just remarked at how quiet you have been since coming in.”

My cheeks felt like they were growing warm so I looked down,
and dipped a sop into the common bowl.

 “I’m feeling . . . thoughtful, tonight.”

Abba and Imma exchanged a quizzical look, but I didn’t feel like I
couldn’t explain anything, not yet.

It is hard for me to grasp the magnitude of what actually happened just a few short hours ago, harder perhaps because everything else in
my small world continues in just the same down-to-earth way it always

I hope people can comprehend that it is not that I am so special.
It is what HaShem is going to do through me. I am just a poor earthen

Saturday 15 November 2014

Mary's Diary

Some of you have been so good about buying Mary's Diary, the Life of Jesus through His Mother's Eyes, even with it's blah, blah, blah cover. Did I tell you already that I'm getting it redone, and reedited, and I think those of you that haven't bought a copy will like it better than ever. Meanwhile, I will dole out a pre-Christmas preview! So here' the beginning!

By the way, I'll need to think of another title. What do you think of these ideas.

Mary'am Muses
   about her son Jesus

Mary's Journal

Mary's Memories
  of Jesus

More suggests and votes would be most welcome!

April 2nd
10th Nissan


will always be grateful to my dignified, elderly Uncle Zachariah
for teaching me to read and write that long ago summer when I was
ten. There are some thoughts that are too personal; too profound to
give voice to, but they must be shared, and writing is the best way.

How can I get close to HaShemYet that is what I am striving for.
HaShem means The Name, and is the most respectful title I know to
call The Holy One. We hesitate to speak His Name out loud, but I pray
He will pardon me if I write it from time to time. There is something
About  Adonai , hallowed be His Name, that is dreadful, but I long to have a
more meaningful relationship with Him.

This week I have been thinking much about the sacred prophecies
concerning the Mashiach. (Messiah,) What kind of woman would Yahweh choose
as the mother for His Son? It would be such a delightful honor, and
a privilege! I wish it could be me.

Did you hear my tiny sigh? I suppose hundreds, nay, thousands of talitha(girls), more honorable than I have longed to cherish the Holy Child as their own, but they were not chosen, so why would I be?
We are of the lowliest of the lowly. The Judeans, particularly the religious leaders, look down their long noses at us Galileans. Do they not think we are so dim-witted
about understanding the finer points of the law?

The Anointed One’s mother would be someone without the many
faults that I have! I imagine she will be someone like the virtuous
woman our noble King Solomon described many years ago. She would
diligently reach out to the poor, and needy, and in her tongue would
be the law of kindness. I have a lot to learn in that area!

I am guessing that the Mother of the Mashiach, (what elegant
sounding words!) would need to be someone of royal birth so she would
know how to groom her Son to become the future King.

 But I am of the right lineage! David is my ancestor. We have the precious documents right here in our chest to prove it. They have been passed down from generation to generation, and are among our most valuable possessions.

Yea, I must admit though, that thousands of others are of the same lineage.

Just this one last time I will confess it hurts deeply that I cannot
mother HaShem’s Son. He must be born of a virgin, and I am soon to
be married.

You will not ere in your thinking, no? I am joyfully planning to
wed my beloved Yosef, but when I do, this other dream will have to die
forever. It is most difficult to lie down. It has been a secret desire for
so long, but I will; I will lift a brave face, and cheerfully walk hand in
hand with my betrothed for all my days, and if perchance some other
aant’at ,(woman,) gets this blessing during my lifetime I will try to be
happy for her.

Perhaps it will be my own daughter!

Thursday 6 November 2014

Unexpected Advice

Sometimes God gives us unexpected advice. Like this morning hubby said something that I did not appreciate. It was true enough, sure, but not what I wanted to hear. I was so irked that I knew it was important to flee to the 'closet of prayer' before I let something slip that shouldn't be said.

Then do you know what? God also gave me unexpected advice! He said "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise." Do you think I was in the mood to do that? No sir!  But I started by thanking Him for all the times He had helped us in the past, and so on.

So did that 'bugged' feeling vanish like a balloon in the sunset sky? Well, no, not quite, but it sure wasn't bad enough to make me snap at the one I love most on earth. And you know what? I even felt kind of happy.

So that's my sermon for today!

Friday 31 October 2014

The cries seem to be coming from further away. ..

The cries seem to be coming from further away. 

She was going in the wrong direction! She made a quarter turn, carefully shuffling forward. Her hand touched something hard and she felt around it. It was the door frame. Were the children inside the house, or out? Well, the baby would be inside. She must find Lill-dae-nan at least.She dropped to her knees, crawling slowly along. Something also moving, rubbed against her arm. Re-bae-taih screamed. It felt soft and furry.

Worse Than Halloween!


The Ninth Plague
This is based on one of the Egyptian's plagues back in Moses' time, but not from the Israelites viewpoint!
"Mamma!" The shriek struck terror to Re-bae-taih's heart, but she was helpless to do anything about it. Somewhere in that deep, intense darkness her son was lost. "Mommy!" the quivering wail came again.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Grieving Mary

Excerpt from my book: Mary's Diary, the Life of Jesus through His Mother's Eyes
Dear Diary;

I am so distressed! There is something in the air! I can feel it! The

animosity towards Yeshua is as thick as an ominous cloud. I know the

religious rulers are planning evil against Him. I know He is not safe

here. Oh, Yeshua, Yeshua, I wish You hadn’t come. I wish You would

flee like a bird to the mountains! I wish that HaShem, God would somehow

hide You like He did when they wanted to cast you off the embankment

in Nazareth! I fear for You! I’m so afraid the Great I AM will not save

you, this time.

Oh, El’Elohim, have mercy, please, please have mercy on my Son.



Of the same day

Dear Diary;

Yeshua and His talmidim, disciples went to a friend’s place to celebrate the

Passover. I would have given all that I have to have been there with Him.

I spend much time on the rooftop gazing at the darkening sky, my

hands clasped in prayer. I think I saw Him leave John Mark’s house

and head for the Olive Orchard. Oh I wish He would stay where it is

safe . . . a little safer, at least.

Later, much later; I saw soldiers with torches heading that way.

It can mean no good. Oh, that my eyes could see in the dark and

penetrate through trees, so I could know what was going on. Someone

tell me, please, what is that hubbub in the streets all about? At this

hour. Oh, what is going on? Tell me, please, tell me what is going on?

Oh, Yeshua, Yeshua! Are you safe? Is it well with You?

Dear Diary;

A man is running down the street! Would He be coming to this

house? He runs like Yochanam (John)

! He sees me! He is calling my name! He

wants me to come! It must be because of Yeshua!

I must go!

20th Nissan

April 12th

Dear Diary;

They crucified my Son, today. I can hardly bear to sit down and

write, yet if I do, perchance there will be healing for my spirit. Nay

there cannot be healing. Nothing can heal my torn, bleeding, broken

spirit. There is no grief as insufferable as losing a tinoki in such a cruel,

Thursday 20 February 2014

Which Time Was Easier? Theirs or Ours?

Mariakin hovered in the back of the crowd.  For many weeks now she had been smuggling food to her father while he was in the dungeon and now she was compelled to watch him be burned at the stake with many others. Her spirit was weary, discouraged. Every day they suffered from the threat of persecution. She didn’t know how she could bear it much longer; this fleeing, this worrying, this fellowshipping in secret in the dead of night, in the storm and the cold, lest someone would reveal their whereabouts and tell the authorities.  One by one the fires were kindled in the rushes at the bottom of each stake. When the smoke began to curl up around her father’s stake, Mariakin fainted.